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Not ready to be fully immersed in your personal growth journey yet? This self-directed option was designed for you. On this page, you will find two sections to get you started at your own pace: Assessments and Books. These are some of Dr. Margie's most highly recommended resources!


Knowing ourselves deeply is imperative in our personal growth. There are no right, wrong, or best ways to know ourselves. Everything that we learn has valuable information! You probably know some key things about yourself that are at the core of who you are. And there are parts that you struggle with, because what you personally know or believe differs from either what you learned or from others in your environment. Knowing ourselves is a lifelong journey--we are constantly evolving!

Below are some FREE self-assessments to get you started. What matters is not the insight alone, but how you apply the insight towards your personal growth and integrate the learning where it applies.

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Saboteur Assessment

Learn which Saboteurs--aka. self-sabotaging mental habits--affect you, so that you can disrupt them and overcome them. This assessment is the foundation for the 6-week Positive Intelligence Program that Dr. Margie facilitates and supports. Try it for free!

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The Founders of this innovative startup understand the importance of human complexity. They designed automated coaching based on insights from numerous self-assessments like DISC, Enneagram, StrenghtsFinder, and more! Try it free for 14 days.

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Five Love Languages

Developed by Dr. Gary Chapman, the premise of The 5 Love Languages™ book and quiz is simple: everyone receives and gives love in different ways. This revolutionary quiz will help you to understand how you receive love and also how you express love. 

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Human Design

Human Design offers a map of your unique genetic design, with detailed information on both conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself. After the quiz, you will receive a chart and guide that helps you discover your truth and integrate what you learn. 

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Money Archetypes

The Sacred Money Archetypes® is a widely used tool for understanding our relationships to money. Which one of the 8 money archetypes are you? Take this quiz from world-renowned money mindset coach Denise Duffield-Thomas to find out! 

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The Self-Help, Personal Development, and Personal Success genres are full of great books written by authors with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Below are some of our favorites to get you started. Most of these are available in audiobook format, as well as print, with a few exceptions. Icons are linked directly to the author's book page, as they often contain additional resources for furthering your learning.

Purpose, Self-Worth, and Emotional Awareness

Finding Your Purpose.jpg
Finding Your Own North Star.jpg
You Are a Badass.jpg
The Worthy Project.jpg
Emotional Advantage.jpg

Self-Improvement and Habit Changing

Positive Intelligence.jpg
Miracle Morning.jpg
The 5 Second Rule.jpg
Atomic Habits.jpg
High Performance Habits.jpg

Developmental Psychology and Cultural Conditioning

The Whole-Brain Child.jpg
Free to Learn.jpg
The Will to Change.jpg

Money Mindset and Career Success

You Are a Badass at Making Money.jpg
Get Rich, Lucky Bitch.jpg
Everything is Figureoutable.jpg
The Calling.jpg

Personal Success and Spirituality

A Course in Miracles.jpg
The Four Agreements.jpg
The Fifth Agreement.jpg
The Five Levels of Attachment.jpg
The Universe Has Your Back.jpg
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